Bird of the Month – Bohemian Waxwing
Bohemian Waxwing wander throughout the Upper Peninsula’s winter landscape, scouring for every last piece of fruit it can find.
Bohemian Waxwing wander throughout the Upper Peninsula’s winter landscape, scouring for every last piece of fruit it can find.
Christmas Bird Count 2023 Christmas Bird Count Dates by Cathy Waller National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC) takes place this year from December 14, 2023, through January 5, 2024. Participation is free! Audubon is following the Centers for Disease Control guidance, which advises that there is very little risk …
If it’s May, you should go to Peninsula Point. Even on a slow day, it is a wonderful, birdy place to be. LWAS has an outing to Peninsula Point every year (except during COVID), and this past Saturday everyone enjoyed a beautiful day with lots of birds. Although the winds …
Join us for a refresher on the birds returning to the north woods this spring! Gary presents an overview of many of the migrants that can be found throughout the Upper Peninsula as they travel back to breeding grounds. From Golden Eagles and Northern Goshawks to Blackburnian Warblers and Indigo …
An intrepid group of LWAS birders made their way around Presque Isle Sunday morning, enjoying April’s first “warm” day and Laughing Whitefish Audubon’s first bird outing of 2022. Yes, it was above freezing, and the sun was shining. But what made the outing a success was the people and good …
Information about the annual UP Crane Count and a presentation by Dr. Stan Temple of the Aldo Leopold Institute, “What Have We Done to Deserve All These Cranes?”
In this presentation, Rachel will go over the methods and results of her master’s research project, in which she monitored a population of white-throated sparrows in Marquette County over the course of two breeding seasons (2020 and 20
American Bird Conservancy(ABC) and its partners are developing Forestry for Michigan Birds, a program + toolkit centered around helping Michigan landowners, foresters, and other natural resource professionals manage forests in ways that benefit birds and other wildlife.
Steve Lindberg presents a collage of wildlife images captured in the Marquette, MI area. Watch and enjoy Steve’s narration of “Wildlife Stories”