Laughing Whitefish Bird Alliance


Over the past few COVID years, LWAS has taken strides in providing quality educational presentations using ZOOM and FACEBOOK. You can access some of those presentations on our BLOG or Facebook Page.
We hope to have in-person events soon. Please check the full calendar on the EVENTS page.

Pre-COVID, we enjoyed programs such as “Wild Orchids of Michigan” with Nate Martineau, “Restoration Efforts to Benefit Migratory Birds in Delta County” with Joe Kaplan, “Travels with Max and Gizmo: In Search of the U.P.” with Steve Lindberg, and “Birding and Traveling in Papua New Guinea” with Jeff Knoop. See a more comprehensive list below.


November 2024
No event found!

NORMAL MEETING TIME AND PLACE (pre-COVID): Laughing Whitefish Audubon Society meets in the Community Room of Peter White Library, beginning at 7:00 p.m. and ending around 8:30.  Meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month unless there is a scheduling conflict. For information call 226-6749 *** Currently, meetings are held via ZOOM and FACEBOOK LIVE. Check the LWAS Facebook page for announcements. See past ZOOM presentations on the BLOG.

Previous Programs



  • January 15th, 2020 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m.  “Wild Orchids of Michigan”

PRESENTER: Nate Martineau

This program will feature photos of all 55 orchids native to Michigan and information about their distribution, habitat preferences, and conservation status, as well as more in-depth dives into a few of the rare natural communities where some of the orchids are found.

  • February 12, 2020 (Wed) 7:00 p.m. “ Evaluation of West Nile Virus on the Survival and Reproduction of Loons in the U.P.
    PRESENTER: Carly Paget, NMU Biology Graduate Student, winner of 2019 LWAS  Research Grant

Carly will give a presentation on the methods, results, and conclusions of her research. Learn about Loons and their status in the Upper Peninsula.

  • March 11, 2020 (Wed) 7:00 p.m. “Restoration Efforts to Benefit Migratory Birds in Delta County ”
    ROOM: Peter White Library Community room
    PRESENTER: Joe Kaplan

This program will feature Joe Kaplan’s efforts to improve migratory bird habitat in Delta County, including his partnership with the US Forest Service to improve habitat at Peninsula Point.

LWAS Programs November 2018 – Sept. 2019

  • November 14, 2018 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. “Annual Membership Meeting”
    ROOM: Peter White Library -Shiras Room – Upper LevelThe program will begin with a SHORT business meeting and an opportunity to meet Board members and to ask questions. The remainder of the evening will be a social event with refreshments and a viewing of bird and nature-oriented photographs taken by our members. PLEASE bring your photos on a CD, DVD, or small jump-drive. A computer & digital projector will be available. All photos are welcome and we look forward to seeing the wonderful pictures our members provide.
  • December 2018: No Program. Please consider participating in a Christmas Bird Count in your area.
  • January 9, 2019 (Wed.7:00 p.m. “Travels with Max and Gizmo: In Search of the U.P.”
    ROOM: Peter White Library Community RoomPRESENTER: Steve Lindberg
    In a tongue in cheek photo homage to John Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley in Search of America,” Steve will present photos selected from his “photo-a-day” on Facebook – a sampling of the flora, fauna, landscapes and whimsy found in his backyard.
  • February 13, 2019 “Birding and Traveling in Papua New Guinea”
    ROOM: Peter White Library Community Room
    PRESENTER: Jeff Knoop
    On August 12 of this year Jeff Knoop and 3 friends began a 25-day journey through Papua New Guinea, looking for birds from sea-level to 10,000 ft. Join Jeff as he shares the scenery and amazing birds of this remote and exotic tropical island.
  • March 13, 2019 “Wildlife Spectacular of Tanzania, East Africa” Presenter: Jeff TownerJeff and his son Daniel spent three weeks in October in northern Tanzania and the islands of Pemba and Zanzibar. His presentation will focus on the mammals and birds of Tanzania, as well as some of the wildlife conservation challenges in Africa.
  • April 10 “Travels in Patagonia”  Presenter:  Geoff SmithThis presentation will explore Chilean Patagonia near the southern tip of South America. It is an otherworldly landscape of intense winds, ever-streaming clouds, and changing weather. Highlights of our trip were bird and wildlife viewing in the Patagonian Steppe grasslands, hiking in the glorious mountain and glacier terrain of Torres de Paine National Park, glimpsing a puma and fly-fishing for brown trout. Join us for this unforgettable trip below 50 degrees south latitude.
  • September 11, 2019 “Birding Adventures in Spain”
  • Presenters: Mark and Joanie HubingerMark and Joanie spent close to a month in Spain in the spring of 2018, traveling from Madrid to the Pyrenees, the Mediterranean coast and finally ending up in Barcelona. Their presentation will cover the birds and natural landscape of Spain, plus the cultural and historic aspects of Madrid and Barcelona.
  • October 9, 2019 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. “Travels with Max and Gizmo: In Search of the U.P.”
  • ROOM: Peter White Community RoomPRESENTER: Steve Lindberg
    This program is repeated at the request of many people who missed Steve’s original presentation in January due to bad weather. Steve will present photos selected from his “photo-a-day” on Facebook – a seasonal sampling of the animals and scenery found around his neighborhood in Marquette. Steve addss that this program may be edited to include some new material and deletions of some original photographs.
    • November 13, 2019 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. Annual Membership Meeting
    ROOM: Peter White Community RoomThis is an informal social event where members are invited to bring digital photographs of birds and other nature-oriented subjects to share with the audience. Light refreshments will be served. There will be a brief business meeting before the program.

For a list of PAST PROGRAMS click here:
Past Evening Programs of the Laughing Whitefish Audubon