If it’s May, you should go to Peninsula Point. Even on a slow day, it is a wonderful, birdy place to be. LWAS has an outing to Peninsula Point every year (except during COVID), and this past Saturday everyone enjoyed a beautiful day with lots of birds. Although the winds were out of the west-northwest, there were lots of warblers, vireos, flycatchers, tanagers, and some nice waterfowl and shorebirds.
Between our group and a local hiking group, there was a good crowd, maybe 30-35 people, searching the bushes and trees for migrating birds.
Our group recorded over 75 species, including 20 Warbler species. Best birds of the day – Blue-winged Warbler, Connecticut Warbler, a very active group of Red-headed Woodpeckers, and Scarlet Tanagers.
For a complete list of all birds recorded, log in to eBird and search for May 21 at Peninsula Point.